NWU Showcase


AccessibleNU (ANU) works to provide students with disabilities a learning environment that affords students reasonable accommodation, full participation, and equal access.

Campus Inclusion & Community

Campus Inclusion and Community was established to work collaboratively with the university community to cultivate inclusive learning environments through the intentional engagement with difference. Comprised of Student Enrichment Services, Multicultural Student Affairs, and Social Justice Education, CIC offers a multitude of ways to get and stay connected, including workshops and education, identity-specific events and programming,…


CARE is the confidential sexual violence and health resource center. We help students who have been impacted by sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking and we provide information and resources about healthy sexuality.

Chicago Field Studies

Chicago Field Studies is a one-quarter academic internship program that combines a course and internship experience to bring academic context to the professional world, expanding learning beyond the classroom and enabling students to pursue both academic and career aspirations.